CollegeScore™ Quick Assessment
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Elite Prep College Planning Guide
Map out your road to college with our free step-by-step guide to college admissions
Elite Prep College List Builder
Find a college where you will grow and reach your educational and personal goals
University of California Admission Predictor
Estimate your chances of being accepted to a University of California school
High School GPA Calculator for the University of California
Calculate your high school GPA according to University of California standards
A Guide to the 8-College System at UC San Diego
Learn about UCSD’s unique system of 8 residential colleges
Map of U.S. Colleges & Universities
View an interactive map of colleges and universities in the United States and sort by region and college type
College Admissions Glossary (Alphabetical)
Learn definitions for common terms you will encounter in the college application and admissions process
College Admissions Glossary (By Category)
SAT & ACT Test Dates & Deadlines
Download a PDF of current SAT + ACT test dates and registration deadlines
306 Vocabulary Words You Must Know for the SAT & ACT
Learn these words achieve outstanding scores on standardized tests.