Grades 10-12 • June 16 – August 4, 2025
Intellectual Colloquium
& Essay Competition Workshop

Explore Contemporary Issues  //  Sumbit to Essay Competitions  //  Build Intellectual Curiosity  //  Stand Out on College Applications

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Q: What ‘intangible’ quality do college admissions officers value most when making admissions decisions?

A: Intellectual curiosity.

According to a recent IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association) survey, “intellectual curiosity exhibited through reading, research, and extracurricular pursuits” ranks among the top qualities that colleges look for when making admission decisions.

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A new Stanford University supplemental essay prompt states that “the Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom” and asks students to “reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning.”

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This year's Princeton University supplement asks students to include “your favorite book and its author.”

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The Columbia University application requests that students “list the titles of the print or digital publications, websites, journals, podcasts, or other content with which you regularly engage.”

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And the University of California application encourages students to “think about an academic subject that inspires you” and “describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.”


Colleges are looking for students who display a genuine interest in and passion for learning. But what is the best way for a student to investigate complex ideas and develop and display intellectual curiosity?


The LEAD: Intellectual Colloquium is an incredible opportunity for students in grades 10-12 to build their intellectual curiosity and stand out from the crowd on college applications.


Build an Impressive Reading List & Expand Your Mind

The books you’re reading in English and U.S. History class won’t set you apart since your peers are reading the same material.

You need to be reading challenging material that will make colleges sit up and take notice.

Intellectual Colloquium students will read and discuss eight books over five 6-week modules—from Stanford and UC Berkeley reading lists to recommendations from NPR and The New Yorker—as well as countless articles from other reputable publications.


Develop a Point of View with Vital Discussions & Robust Debates

Each program module will confront societal conversations on identity, social justice, diaspora, culture, and globalization. Students will engage in discussion and debate on contemporary topics beyond school curriculum. The instructor will provide historical, economic, political, and social context when needed.

An innate interest in journalism, economics, history, and politics is a plus but not a requirement to join. This course is open to to ALL STUDENTS seeking to investigate ideas, expand their reading, and boost their college application profiles.


Enter Essay Contests & Create Your Own Writing Portfolio

Intellectual Colloquium students will develop successful reading habits and build strong writing skills that they’ll use throughout college and beyond.

At each 6-week module’s conclusion, students will submit an original nonfiction essay to a writing contest hosted by a reputable publication or organization, such as The New York Times, Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, C.F.G.L., and more.

Over the course of the program, students will amass writings that they can compile into a portfolio and share on college applications to further enhance their intellectual achievements.


Students will take away:

  • A background in reading and writing that clearly displays academic interest and intellectual curiosity

  • Invaluable experience that can be incorporated in college applications and college essays

  • Writing for college writing samples and portfolios

  • Potential awards and recognition that can be included in college applications

  • A personalized curated reading list based on student interests

  • An official certificate of achievement

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Intellectual Colloquium Schedule

Open to students everywhere in grades 10–12 // Online classes // Join the program any time!

June 16 – August 4, 2025
Mondays • 4:00pm–5:30pm PT

Live Online Classes

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Ready to get started?

Fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you with tuition information and answers to your questions as soon as possible! You can also contact us directly at (408) 973-8966.

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