정식 학점으로 인정되는 한국어 과정

Korean 1–6 • 9-Week Summer Intensive 2025

UC에서 유일하게 승인받은 한국어 온라인 과정! 각자의 스케줄에 맞춰 공부하면서 엘리트 강사로 부터 정해진 수업시간에 한국어도 배우고, GPA도 올리세요!

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UC에서 정식 승인된 과목

엘리트의 한국어 레벨 1-6 과정은 모두 University of California(캘리포니아 대학교)에서 정식으로 승인 받았으며 특히, 레벨 4, 5, 6은 UC에서 Honors로 인정받은 수업입니다.


성적 증명서 발급

엘리트 오픈 스쿨은 WASC의 인증을 받았습니다. 그러므로 엘리트 오픈 스쿨에서 취득한 성적은 일반 학교의 모든 수업과 마찬가지로 GPA에 반영됩니다.


라이브 수업시간

온라인 디지털 커리큘럼과 라이브 수업시간에 엘리트 선생님의 지도로 공부하게 됩니다. 성공적으로 수업을 마칠 수 있도록 엘리트 강사와 카운셀러들이 관리합니다.



엘리트 프렙은 현재 6-12학년 학생들을 위한 한국어 과정 1-6을 제공하고 있습니다.


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Korean 1

9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Tuesdays & Thursdays • 4:00pm–6:00pm PT

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Korean 2

9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Wednesdays & Fridays • 2:00pm–4:00pm PT

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Korean 3

9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Tuesdays & Thursdays • 2:00pm–4:00pm PT

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Korean 4

9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays • 1:30pm–3:30pm PT

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Korean 5

9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays • 3:30pm–5:30pm PT

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Korean 6

9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays • 5:30pm–7:30pm PT



정식 학점으로 인정되는 한국어 과정

엘리트 프렙은 엘리트 오픈 스쿨을 통해 UC에서 승인된 한국어를 가르칠 수 있는 기회를 제공할 수 있게 되서 무척 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.

엘리트 오픈 스쿨의 공인된 수업은 (accredited) 여러분의 고등학교 내신성적에 반영될 것입니다.

우리는 학생들이 학점 취득을 위해 한국어 수업을 들을 경우 모든 학생들이 성공할 수 있도록 학업 진행 상황을 모니터링 해 주고 학업 지침도 제공해 줍니다.

엘리트 학생들이 수업을 듣고 교사로 부터 실시간 개인지도 및 지원을 받을 경우 92%의 엘리트 학생들은 수강한 과목에서 A를 받습니다.


Find out what students are saying…





Elite's Korean Courses For Credit give you the unique opportunity to:

Significantly raise your GPA in a short period of time

Fulfill high school graduation and college admission requirements

Add valuable honors classes to your high school transcript

Demonstrate intellectual curiosity and academic rigor on college applications

Get ahead while still in high school and prepare for the rigors of college

Learn to communicate with family and friends in Korean

Gain knowledge about Korean language and culture

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Learn Korean in a Live Classroom Setting

Elite's Korean Courses For Credit blend the convenience of online learning with live, face-to-face classroom instruction. Students will learn directly from their instructor, interact with classmates, and begin their assignments in lecture.

If you run into a unit or assignment that you find especially challenging, our mentors are always there to keep you on track and give you the help you need to ace the course.


Free Up Your Schedule to Take a More Rigorous Course Load

By taking Korean Courses for Credit at Elite, you'll free up your schedule to take other classes at school like extra AP and Honors classes or impressive extracurricular classes like Speech and Debate or Journalism.

Either way, by taking Korean at Elite, you'll be able to strengthen your overall academic profile and GPA.

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Is this course accredited? +

Yes. All Korean language courses are offered by Elite Open School, a WASC-accredited private school. (See Elite Open School’s A-G course list approved by the University of California.)

Are there any prerequisites for this course? +

No. All students of all levels–from first-time learners to native and heritage speakers–are eligible to take the Korean language courses. First-time learners will be enrolled in Korean 1. A diagnostic test is also available to assess your proficiency.

How long is this class? +

The course is two semesters long and offered during the school year (fall and spring semesters) and in the summer. During the school year, you have a total of 24 weeks to complete Korean 1, 2, and 3 and 30 weeks to complete Honors Korean 4, 5, and 6. The summer program is more intensive, and you have 9 weeks to complete the entire two-semester course.

Can I start the class any time? +

No. You must begin the course on the course start date in mid-September for the school year program and in mid-June for the summer program.

How is this course taught? +

The course content is delivered through an online platform through reading assignments, videos, and assignments. The course is asynchronous, and you can work on lessons online at any time.

To ensure that you complete the course successfully, you will be required to attend live, online study sessions each week with our instructor who will monitor your progress and review the course assignments. In the school year program, study sessions are two hours per week. In the summer program, study sessions are four hours per week for Korean 1, 2, and 3 and six hours per week for Honors Korean 4, 5, and 6.

How do I register for this course? +

To start the registration process, submit your information using our online inquiry form. Our staff will contact you to provide information about the forms and supporting documents required to complete the registration process.

Will I get a transcript for this course? +

Yes. Elite Open School will issue an official transcript upon completion of the course. You may request an official transcript to be sent to a college or university of your choice.

Are grades for the Korean language course weighted? +

Korean 1, 2, and 3 are college preparatory but not honors courses. As a result, honors points are not assigned to grades received by students in Korean 1, 2, and 3.

Honors Korean 4, 5, and 6 are approved by the University of California to receive the honors designation. As a result, grades in Honors Korean 4, 5, and 6 receive one honors point per semester in the GPA calculation (for example, A = 5 points and B = 4 points).

All Korean language courses may be used to satisfy the language other than English (LOTE, E) subject requirement for admission to the University of California as well as similar foreign or world language subject requirements for admission to other colleges and universities.

Can I transfer the grade and credit I receive from this course to my high school? +

Please check with your school counselor to see if your school accepts course credits and grades from another school.

Will colleges accept the grade I receive for this course? +

Yes. The course is offered by Elite Open School, a WASC-accredited private school. (See Elite Open School’s A-G course list approved by the University of California.)

When applying to college, you can request Elite Open School to send an official transcript of the grade and credit you earned from the course to a college or university you are applying to. The college or university evaluates your coursework as a part of your college application.

Can I get college credit for this course? +

No. Completing the course will result in a high school grade and course credit that you can include on your college application.


 Interested in Korean Courses For Credit?

Fill out the form below — we'll get back to you with pricing info, schedule details, and answers to your questions ASAP!

2025 Summer Intensive
Live Online Classes

Korean 1
9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Tue + Thu • 4:00pm–6:00pm PT

Korean 2
9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Wed + Fri • 2:00pm–4:00pm PT

Korean 3
9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Tue + Thu • 2:00pm–4:00pm PT

Honors Korean 4
9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Mon + Wed + Fri • 1:30pm–3:30pm PT

Honors Korean 5
9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Mon + Wed + Fri • 3:30pm–5:30pm PT

Honors Korean 6
9-Week Summer Intensive: June 9 – August 9, 2025
Weekly Class: Mon + Wed + Fri • 5:30pm–7:30pm PT

Fill out my online form.