Elite EssayAI Writing Workshop
For Students in Grades 5-11

Elite EssayAI Writing Workshop utilizes personalized instruction, award-winning works of literature, and EssayAI — our new, cutting-edge, interactive, AI-assisted writing platform — to help students develop essential reading and writing skills.

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Elite EssayAI
Sentence Starters

Students choose from thousands of academic phrases to begin their writing.


Elite EssayAI
Writing Frames

Students write their essays using our exclusive frame-writing system which breaks the big, scary essay into easily-digestible chunks.

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Elite EssayAI
Guided Help

Instantly accessible explanations and models are like having a tutor available 24/7.


Elite EssayAI
Instant Export

Writing frames are converted into a perfectly formatted MLA document.

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Elite EssayAI
Full Teacher Support

Students can ask questions, get individual teacher attention, and collaborate with each other in real time for an authentic, interactive classroom experience.


How Elite EssayAI Writing Workshop Works

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Students start by reading challenging and engaging literature

Elite EssayAI Writing Workshop introduces students to interesting and discussion-provoking articles and reading passages—similar to works that have appeared on college entrance exams including the PSAT, SAT, and ACT—that will prepare them for the type of material they will encounter in high school and college.

Our experienced instructors guide the class through each text, teaching students how to examine and incorporate the language and literary devices used by the authors.


Essay responses build valuable critical thinking and composition skills

Instructors use EssayAI—Elite's state-of-the-art interactive, cloud-based writing platform—to help students produce clear and effective essays, teaching them valuable written communication skills that they'll use throughout high school, college, and beyond.

Students emerge from the program more comfortable with reading, confident about writing, and ready to take on their classes in school!

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Learn the 4 most important essay structures and techniques

Learn the essay structures you'll need to know to excel in high school and college: Argumentative, Expository, Literary Response, and Narrative

Plus, we'll teach you how to use essential writing techniques to make your essays shine, including: 7 effective essay hooks, paragraph transitions, setting up evidence, and more!


Interested in EssayAI Writing Workshop?


Fill out the form below—we'll get back to you with pricing info, schedule details, and answers to your questions ASAP! You can also contact your Elite Prep branch directly.


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