As communication technologies change, so too does digital etiquette. There are ever-evolving, unspoken rules, for instance, to the art of liking or commenting on a friend’s Instagram post. Periods, exclamation points, and no punctuation at all can communicate a wide range of emotions and inflections in a text message. Most teenagers seem to know these rules intuitively.Yet many teenagers are clueless when it comes to emailing professors and college admissions officers. If you’re a college-bound high school student, you need to master the intricacies of email etiquette—or risk offending the wrong people.
Read MoreAlthough you have considerable freedom regarding when to take the SAT, being strategic could help you achieve your best score, not to mention save you some money. The decision of “when” depends mostly on two things: your academic situation and your preparedness. Here are some considerations to help you optimize fitting the SAT into your high school timeline.
Read MoreWhat if things didn’t quite work out as you expected and instead of deciding between letters of admission, you find that you’ve been waitlisted at one or more schools?
Read MoreReading comprehension is a complex process that involves understanding both the explicit and implicit, or unstated, meanings of a text. Practicing your reading comprehension skills can go a long way toward improving your test performance as well as your long-term reading progress. Here's how to start...
Read MoreFor nearly as long as I can remember, I have heard media pundits, teachers, and peers mention the slippery slope by name—not as a logical fallacy, but as the basis for an argument. As it happens, the slippery slope is one of the best-known and least-understood logical fallacies. What follows is devoted to explaining what the fallacy is, how it is erroneously deployed, and why it all matters.
Read MoreThe SAT is known for testing difficult vocabulary, or so-called “SAT words,” so studying for the SAT tends to evoke images of long lists of definitions and teetering stacks of flashcards. However, the latest version of the SAT (updated in 2016) no longer tests high-level words in isolated vocabulary questions (i.e., sentence completions or analogies). So the logical question is, how important is vocabulary on the SAT? Are lists of vocabulary words outdated?
Read MoreJunior year of high school is an onslaught of responsibilities and activities, and seemingly never enough time to get everything done. Junior year is also considered the most important year of high school for college admissions. Amidst the nonstop flurry, it is important to recognize this significance and take the necessary steps to prepare you for your future. So, all you high school juniors (or soon-to-be juniors), read ahead to find out how to put yourself in prime position for college admissions!
Read MoreTypically, this question stems from a student’s experience with a high school or middle school teacher who advised, even commanded, students to never, ever use first-person pronouns in their essays. And so, when I get this question, I tend to hear a sub-question lying just beneath the surface: was my teacher right or wrong? Or sometimes even: was my teacher good or bad, smart or dumb?
Read More“How can I improve my speed on the SAT/ACT?” is one of the most frequently asked questions I hear from students. It’s a tricky question to answer without knowing specifically how a student approaches test-taking because we all read and calculate at different rates. However, there are general strategies anyone can use to improve performance speed on test day.
Read MoreElite Education Group is providing refugee children with full access to an American middle school and high school education through our recognized and proven blended learning programs.
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