Posts in College Admissions
When Should I Take the SAT?

Although you have considerable freedom regarding when to take the SAT, being strategic could help you achieve your best score, not to mention save you some money. The decision of “when” depends mostly on two things: your academic situation and your preparedness. Here are some considerations to help you optimize fitting the SAT into your high school timeline. 

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8 Things College-Bound Juniors Should Be Doing Right Now

Junior year of high school is an onslaught of responsibilities and activities, and seemingly never enough time to get everything done. Junior year is also considered the most important year of high school for college admissions. Amidst the nonstop flurry, it is important to recognize this significance and take the necessary steps to prepare you for your future. So, all you high school juniors (or soon-to-be juniors), read ahead to find out how to put yourself in prime position for college admissions!

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